title | Comparison of Rising Sun Lifting and Trapping Prescriptions |
Stomach-benefiting Decoction , Raising the Sinking Decoction, Original-Qi Lifting Decoction and Middle-Tonifying Qi -Replenishing Decoction have the same intention, which is to reuse tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi medicines, and the combination of medicinals to lift the traps and improve them. Among them,
- Stomach-benefiting Decoction reuses Milkvetch Root, and combines medicinals ginseng root, white atractylodes rhizome, Liquorice Root tonifying qi; Chinese Thorowax Root, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root, Incised Notopterygium Rhizome and Root, Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica Root lifts Qingyang, dispelling wind dehumidifies; Pineilia Tuber, Dried Tangerine Peel, indian bread, Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome, Golden Thread dehumidification and heat removal; Debark Peony Root Nourishes blood and nutrients. It is suitable for symptoms of spleen and stomach qi deficiency, in which clear yang does not rise and dampness stagnates and generates heat.
- Raising the Sinking Decoction Reuse Milkvetch Root combination of medicinals largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome, Chinese Thorowax Root uses the rising yang to lift the depression; and uses the coolness of Common Anemarrhena Rhizome to control the warmth of Milkvetch Root; platycodon root The medicine is carried upward and used as a guide to treat symptoms of depression of the air in the chest. For those with extreme spleen and lung deficiency, you can add ginseng root to strengthen the tonifying power, or add Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit to restrain the dissipation of the qi aspect.
- Original-Qi Lifting Decoction Use parameters, qi, techniques, 草 tonifying qi, stopping bleeding and stemming collapse, supplemented by largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome rising yang lifting depression, suitable for sinking of middle qi, Metrorrhagia and blood collapse syndrome/pattern caused by blood loss.
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