Since 1979, the WHO has recognized that acupuncture has a therapeutic effect on certain symptoms; a 2002 survey found that 8.2 million adults in the United States had received acupuncture; in 2019, the German Association of Acupuncturists had 12,000 members; In 2021, there are already 45,000 acupuncturists in the United States; in recent years, some states in the United States have included traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture in health insurance; Western physicians and dentists in Taiwan can also perform acupuncture as long as they take some courses and obtain some credits. Even though more and more countries around the world accept acupuncture, there are still some individuals or units that judge acupuncture as a placebo effect or pseudoscience based solely on research reports involving non-professional Chinese medicine practitioners. Acupuncture medicine still has a long way to go. .
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