 Shen Yaozi 
International codeST40
bubble_chart Category

Luo point.

bubble_chart Etymology

"Feng" (豐), plentiful or abundant, "long" (隆), bulge or protrude. The point is on the plump bulge of calf muscle. Huangdi Neijing Taisu Yang Shang-shan note: "The qi of foot yangming is abundant and vigorous, overflowing here into the large collaterals, hence the name Fenglong." Additionally, "Fenglong" originally referred to the sound of thunder and was the name of the thunder god. It is paired with "Lieque ()", which originally referred to lightning, to name this luo point.

bubble_chart Location

Fenglong (ST40) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")

On the anterolateral aspect of lower leg, 8 cun above the prominence of lateral malleolus, located two transverse fingers (middle finger) lateral to the anterior border of tibia, level with Tiaokou (ST38) and at the midpoint of the line connecting Dubi (ST35) and the prominence of lateral malleolus.

  • Lingshu‧Jingmai: "Eight cun above malleolus";
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "Eight cun above lateral malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of lower leg."
  • Zhenfang Liuji: "One cun lateral to Tiaokou (ST38), in the depression, diverging towards taiyin meridian."
  • Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "Anterior to external malleolus, lateral to Jiexi (ST41), 8 cun above. Eight cun above Jiexi (ST41), anterior to lateral malleolus. Another method: measure from the end of knee bone to the middle of ankle, and the midpoint is the location."

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscles: extensor digitorum longus and peroneus brevis.
  • Nerve: superficial peroneal nerve.
  • Vessel: anterior tibial artery.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Perpendicular insertion 1 to 2 cun. Moxibustion with moxa cone 5 ~ 7 rounds, moxibustion with moxa stick 5 ~ 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Harmonize stomach qi, resolve phlegm and dampness, clear mind.

  • Classical: qi counterflow, pharyngitis and sudden loss of voice, mania and epilepsy, unretracted limbs, withered shin, chest and abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, beriberi, reversal headache, vertigo, vexation, swollen face, swollen limbs, body heaviness, prolonged amenorrhea followed by sudden heavy uterine bleeding, heart pain in women, various disorders caused by phlegm, head wind with wheezing and cough, difficulty in urination and defecation.
  • Modern: hysteria, bronchial wheezing, chronic tracheitis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Unretracted limbs: Fenglong (ST40), Pishu (BL20).
  • swollen limbs due to wind counterflow: Fenglong (ST40), Fuliu (KI7).
  • Phlegm cough: Fenglong (ST40), Feishu (BL13).
  • Pharyngitis: Hegu (LI4), Yongquan (KI1), Tiantu (CV22), Fenglong (ST40).

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