 Shen Yaozi 
International codeST21

Literal meaning "beam gate". Beam, crossbeam; door, entrance and exit. The point is located in the epigastrium, hence the name.


Upper abdomen, 4 inches above umbilicus (Zhongwan (CV12)), 2 inches away from 1 inch below Chengman (ST20), the upper 1/3 inflection point of the line connecting Burong (ST19) and Tianshu (ST25).


  • Muscles: rectus abdominis, deep transversus abdominis.
  • Nerve: Branch of the eighth intercostal nerve.
  • Blood vessels: branches of the seventh intercostal artery and vein and superior epigastric artery and vein.


Perpendicular insertion or oblique insertion 0.5~1.5 inches. moxa cone moxibustion 3 ~ 5 strong, moxibustion with moxa stick 10 ~ 15 minutes.


Adjust middle qi, harmonize the intestines and stomach, resolving accumulation stagnation.

  • Classical: gas and pain in the abdomen, inability to eat, fluid retention, epigastralgia, efflux diarrhea, unresolved grains, hernia, prolapse of rectum, blood clots in women.
  • Modern: acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, indigestion.


  • ulcer diseases: Liangmen (ST21), Zhongwan (CV12), hand Zusanli (ST36).
  • epigastralgia, indigestion, loss of appetite, sloppy diarrhea: Liangmen (ST21), Zhongwan (CV12), Zusanli (ST36), Gongsun (SP4), Neiguan (PC6).

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