 Shen Yaozi 
International codeST16

Literal meaning "breast window". Ying refers to both sides of the chest, where the pectoralis major muscle bulges; window refers to the orifice. The cave dwells in the chest near the nipple, hence the name.


4 inches from the front midline of the chest, in the depression of the third intercostal space, above the nipple, level with Yutang (CV18), approximately below the midpoint of the clavicle The lower 1/4 inflection point of the line connecting the edge ( Qihu (ST13) ) and the nipple ( Ruzhong (ST17) ).


  • Muscle: pectoralis major; the deep layer is the inner and outer third intercostal space.
  • Nerve: Prethoracic nerve branches.
  • Vessels: lateral thoracic arteries and veins.


Subcutaneous insertion 0.5~0.8 inches. moxa cone moxibustion 3 ~ 5 strong, moxibustion with moxa stick 5 ~ 10 minutes.


Regulates qi and regulates breasts.

  • Classical: asthma, cough, cold and heat, chest fullness and shortness of breath, restlessness, swelling and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, acute mastitis, intestinal hernia, swollen lips, borborygmus, chest congestion and carbuncle.


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