bubble_chart Etymology "Wuyi" (屋翳) refers to the top covering (such as a tent), and the point is on the upper chest, hence the name.
bubble_chart Location
4 cun lateral to the anterior midline of the chest, in the depression of the second intercostal space. It is level with
Zigong (CV19) and approximately at the midpoint of the line connecting the inferior border of clavicular midpoint (
Qihu (ST13)) and the nipple (
Ruzhong ( ST17)).
bubble_chart Anatomy
- Muscles: pectoralis major and pectoralis minor; the deep layers are the inner and outer sides of the second intercostal space.
- Nerve: pectoralis major muscle branch of anterior thoracic nerve.
- Vessels: thoracoacromial artery and vein and branches of lateral thoracic artery and vein.
bubble_chart Manipulation
Subcutaneous insertion 0.5~0.8 cun. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 ~ 5 rounds, moxibustion with moxa stick 5 ~ 10 minutes.
bubble_chart Efficacy
Ventilate lung, regulate qi.
- Classical: breast pain, swollen body and skin pain (which makes wearing clothes unbearable), soreness and weakness, prolonged numbness, heaviness of body, generalized wind-induced itching and pain, spasm and convulsion, panting and distension in children.
- Modern: acute mastitis, breast lump (mammary gland hyperplasia).
bubble_chart Combinations
- Itchy with predominant pain: Zhiyin (BL67), Wuyi (ST15).
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