New hole.
This point has the function of diagnosing and treating Dannang (EX-LE6) disease, hence the name Dannang (EX-LE6).
On the upper lateral part of the calf, two inches straight below the depression at the front and bottom of the fibula head (
Yanglingquan (GB34)).
At the peroneus longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles, there are branches of the anterior tibial artery and vein, and the lateral sural cutaneous nerve and superficial peroneal nerve are present.
Perpendicular insertion 1 to 2 inches.
Acute and chronic Dannang (EX-LE6) inflammation, cholelithiasis, biliary ascariasis, biliary colic, gastritis, lower wilting impediment paralysis, chest hypochondriac pain.
- Acute Dannang (EX-LE6) inflammation: Dannang (EX-LE6) point, Qiuxu (GB40), Zhangmen (LR13).
- Biliary ascariasis: Dannang (EX-LE6) point, Yangling, Yanggang, Taichong (LR3), Ganshu (BL18), Danshu (BL19), Riming, Neiguan (PC6), Zhongwan (CV12).