extra point.
There are four acupuncture points on the back, which are often used for moxibustion. During treatment, the four acupoints are on fire at the same time, like four brilliant red flowers, hence the name Four Flowers.
According to
Waitai Miyao, it is located on the back of the spine. When selecting the acupoint, let the patient sit upright, slightly retract the shoulders, and hang it with a rope first. The item should be hung down to the chest and cut off at the
Jiuwei (CV15) point. Turn the rope back, take the middle bend of the rope to fit the throat bone, and place two ropes on the midline of the back. Make a dot mark at the end of the rope (this point is not a hole); take a small rope, measure its two corners horizontally and cut it off; then take the previously marked point as the center, divide the small rope horizontally, and make dots at the two rope ends. 2 holes, then divide the small rope lengthwise, make points on the two rope ends, and get 2 more holes. There are four points in total.
In the sacrospinal muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle, there are the posterior branches of the seventh to tenth thoracic nerves, and the medial branches of the dorsal branches of the seventh to tenth intercostal arteries and veins.
moxa cone moxibustion 7 to 15 years old.
pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, weakness and weight loss.
The Sihua point comes from Guzhengbing Jiufang, which is the method of Cui Zhi-ti pulmonary tuberculosis. Waitai Miyao Volume 13, Sushen Liangfang Volume 1, Zhenjiu Daquan This method is consistent with the law contained in the volume, which is lost in Guzhengbing Jiufang. Zisheng Jing Volume 3 has different acupoint selection rules, which are Zhenjiu Juying and Zhenjiu Dacheng included.