 Shen Yaozi 
International codeDU25

Literal meaning "plain space". Su means origin; Liao means acupoint. In human embryos, the nose takes shape first, which is the origin of the human body, hence the name. It also explains that "prime" is white, and the lung resuscitation is in the nose, which belongs to gold and should be white. The cave dwells in the middle of the face at the tip of the nose, so it is also called tip of nose, nose, or tip of nose.


The center of the nose tip on the face.


  • Muscle: Tip cartilage.
  • Nerve: External nasal branch of the anterior ethmoid nerve (branch of the ophthalmic nerve).
  • Vessels: Facial artery, dorsal nasal branch of vein.


Perpendicular insertion or upward oblique insertion 0.3~0.5 inches, or scattered bleeding. Moxibustion is prohibited.


It can sharpen the nose orifices and relieve the symptoms of irritation.

  • Classical: stuffy nose, runny nose, epistaxis, no smell, spasm, convulsion, infantile convulsion, red nose, madness.
  • Modern: shock, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, bradycardia, rosacea, rhinitis, hiccup, neonatal asphyxia.


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