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 Shen Yaozi 
International codeGB 5
bubble_chart Etymology

"Xuan" (懸), hanging high; "lu" (顱), head. The point is located in the temporal region, hanging high on both sides of forehead, hence the name.

bubble_chart Location

Xuanlu (GB5) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
On head, at the midpoint of hairline in temple region, 0.5 cun within hairline at the anterior border of temple hair. It is located at the midpoint of the curved line along hairline between Touwei (ST8) and Qubin (GB7).

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: temporalis.
  • Nerve: temporal branch of auriculotemporal nerve. In newborns, the deep layer corresponds to anterior fontanelle.
  • Vessels: frontal branches of superficial temporal artery and vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Horizontal insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun. Needling is contraindicated in infants with an unclosed or recently closed anterior fontanelle to avoid intracranial injury. Moxibustion is not applied.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Dispel wind and improve vision, clear heat and subdue swelling.

  • Classical: migraine, febrile diseases, body heaviness, toothache, facial redness and pain, irritability and absence of sweating.
  • Modern: hemiplegia due to stroke, tremor.

bubble_chart Combinations

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