bubble_chart Category Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "Intersecting point of hand shaoyang and yang link vessel". Suwen‧Qifu Lun Wang Bing's note: "Intersecting point of hand and foot shaoyang and yang link vessel."
bubble_chart Etymology
"Tian" (天), upper part or heaven; "liao" (髎), bone hollow. The acupoint is located in the depression above scapular spine on back, hence its name.
bubble_chart Location
Tianliao (TE15) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
Located at superior angle of scapula in shoulder and back region, between
Jianjing (GB21) and
Quyuan (SI13), approximately level with
Taodao (GV13), at the midpoint of the line connecting spinous process of first thoracic vertebra and acromion.
- Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "In shoulder, within supraclavicular fossa, in the depression between bones",
- Zhenjiu Juying: "Above supraclavicular fossa, on the protruding muscle";
- Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "Approximately one cun away from Dazhu (BL11) and Fufen (BL41)";
- Leijing Tuyi: "Directly one cun posterior to Jianjing (GB21)".
bubble_chart Anatomy
- Muscles: trapezius, supraspinatus.
- Nerve: overlapping distribution of lateral supraclavicular nerve and posterior branch of eighth cervical nerve, accessory nerve; deep layer, muscular branch of suprascapular nerve.
- Vessel: descending branch of transverse cervical artery; deep layer, muscular branch of suprascapular artery.
bubble_chart Manipulation
Insert perpendicularly or obliquely 0.5 to 0.8 cun in depth. Avoid inserting too deeply. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 7 rounds, moxibustion with moxa stick for 5 to 15 minutes.
bubble_chart Efficacy
- Classical: fever without sweating, chest fullness and distress, heaviness and pain in shoulder with inability to lift, pain in supraclavicular fossa, stiffness in neck, and neck swelling.
- Modern: periarthritis of shoulder.
bubble_chart Combinations
- Heaviness and pain in shoulder with inability to lift: Tianliao (TE15), Quchi (LI11).
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