 Shen Yaozi 
International codeSJ2
bubble_chart Category

Ying-spring (water) point.

bubble_chart Etymology

The point is located on ulnar side of dorsum of hand, between 4th and 5th fingers. When making a fist, this area resembles armpit ("Ye", 腋) of a person, with the two sides resembling gates ("men", 門), hence the name. Historically, the terms 液 (ye, fluid), 腋 (ye, armpit), and 掖 (ye, to support) were used interchangeably due to their identical pronunciation. (Lingshu, SuwenWang Bing's note, and Tongren Shuxue Zhenjiu Tujing use "液", Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing uses "腋", Huangdi Neijing Taisu and Qianjin Yaofang use "掖").

bubble_chart Location

Yemen (TE2) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
On the dorsum of the hand, between the 4th and 5th fingers, at the border of red and white skin behind the web margin. It is located by making a loose fist.
  • LingshuBenshu: "Between little finger and ring finger";
  • Yixue Rumen: "In the depression anterior to the base of little and ring fingers";
  • Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "At the pointed depression in the web between little and ring fingers".

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscles: fourth lumbrical muscle, third dorsal interosseous muscle.
  • Nerve: dorsal digital nerve.
  • Vessel: dorsal digital artery.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Insert perpendicularly 0.3~0.5 cun, or obliquely between metacarpal bones 0.5~1 cun. Moxibustion with moxa sticks for 5 to 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Discharge heat, improve hearing.

  • Classical: febrile diseases without sweating, headache, palpitations, malaria, deafness and tinnitus, nuchal pain, toothache, earache, a sensation of polyps in pharynx, swelling outside throat, sore throat, red and dry eyes, elbow and arm pain, redness and swelling of dorsum of hands, spasm of five fingers, weakness in wrists, edema of limbs, inability to lift arms, frequent fright, delirium, madness.
  • Modern: hysteria, otitis media, metacarpodigital arthralgia.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Intermittent chills and malaria: Tianchi (PC1), Hegu (LI4), Yemen (TE2), Xiangu (ST43).
  • Sore throat: Yemen (TE2), Yuji (LU10).
  • Inability to raise arm: Yemen (TE2), Qiangu (SI2).
  • Malaria: Jianshi (PC5), Yemen (TE2), Houxi (SI3).
  • Tinnitus and deafness: Tinggong (SI19), Yemen (TE2).

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