 Shen Yaozi 
International codeKI2
bubble_chart Category

Ying-spring (fire) point.

bubble_chart Etymology

"Ran" (然), also interpreted as "burning" (燃). Since this point belongs to ying-spring (fire) of foot shaoyin kidney meridian. it is named accordingly. The prominence of navicular bone is referred to as "Rangu" (然骨), and this point is located in the depression below it, hence the name "gu" (谷, valley). It is also known by the alias "Longyuan" (龍淵) (as seen in the Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing), which suggests the image of dragon fire in water, conveying a similar meaning.

bubble_chart Location

Rangu (KI2) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
On medial edge of foot, below the prominence of navicular bone at the junction of red and white flesh, 1 cun posterior to Gongsun (SP4).
  • LingshuBenshu: "Below Rangu";
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "In the depression below the prominent bone in front of medial malleolus";
  • Qianjin Yaofang: "Directly below medial malleolus, 1 cun";
  • Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "1 cun from Zhaohai (KI6), at the junction of red and white flesh, opposite the lateral Jinggu (BL64)";
  • Zhenjiu Jicheng: "1 cun posterior to Gongsun (SP4).

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: abductor hallucis.
  • Nerve: terminal branch of medial cutaneous nerve of leg, medial plantar nerve.
  • Vessels: branches of medial plantar and medial tarsal arteries and veins.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Perpendicular insertion 0.5~1 cun. For heat-related conditions, bleeding may be induced. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 5 times, moxibustion with moxa stick for 10 to 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Purge heat, reduce distension, calm spirit.

  • Classical: sudden heart pain, acute distension, fullness in chest and hypochondrium, febrile diseases, irritability, heart-hanging feeling, frequent fear, pharyngitis, swelling in throat, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and spitting with blood, hernia, lower abdominal distension, no appetite, through-flux diarrhea, consumptive thirst, jaundice, flaccidity and cold extremities, depressive psychosis, dribbling urination, seminal emission, prolapse of uterus, infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, infantile umbilical wind, difficulty opening mouth, frequent fright, shin soreness preventing prolonged standing, muscle cramp, inability to stand firmly on feet, toe pain.
  • Modern: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, cystitis, diabetes, tetanus, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

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