 Shen Yaozi 
International codeBL49
bubble_chart Etymology

Meaning, idea. Lingshu‧Benshen: "heart recalling something and leaving an impression being called idea". House, residence. "Spleen storing nutrient, nutrient housing idea" acupoint is next to Pishu (BL20), hence the name.

bubble_chart Location

3 cun below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra on the back (Jizhong (GV6)), inside and Pishu (BL20) Even.
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "In the area where there is a three-cun depression on each side of the eleventh vertebra."

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscles: latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis (in the chest just at the diaphragm and costal sinuses; the deep layer is the kidney).
  • Nerves: Lateral branches of the posterior branches of the tenth and eleventh thoracic nerves.
  • Vessel: dorsal branches of the eleventh intercostal artery and vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Perpendicular insertion or oblique insertion 0.5 to 0.8 cun to the side of the spine. Not too deep. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 7 times, moxibustion with moxa stick for 10 to 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Strengthens the spleen, relieves swelling, draining dampness and heat.

  • Classical: abdominal distension and fullness, diarrhea, consumptive thirst, body heat, bowel sounds, fullness of the chest and ribs, back pain and aversion to cold, fluid retention, inability to eat, vomiting, cough, yellowish complexion, and choking.
  • Modern: Indigestion, diabetes.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Chocked: Zhongfu (LU1), Yishe (BL49).
  • kidney deficiency consumptive thirst, inability to sweat, no inclination of the waist, abdominal distension and fullness hypochondriac pain: Yishe (BL49), Zhonglushu (BL29).

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