 Shen Yaozi 
International codeBL8

Network, network; but, then return. foot greater yang bladder meridian (BL) "enters the collateral brain from the top and comes out again", hence the name. "But", Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing, Waitai Miyao is used as "玎"; Qianjin Yaofang, Qianjin Yifang BOOK>, Shisijing Fahui is used as "que"; bronze figure acupoint acupuncture and moxibustion illustrations are mixed.


Luoque acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
In front of the headhairline, 5.5 inches straight above the center and 1.5 inches to the side, when Tongtian (BL7) 1.5 inches back.


  • Muscle: where the occipital muscle stops.
  • Nerve: branches of the greater occipital nerve. The cranial cavity is located in the visual area of ​​the occipital lobe of the brain.
  • Vessels: branches of occipital artery and vein.


Subcutaneous insertion 0.3~1 inch. Generally no moxibustion is used.


dispelling wind clears the mind and calms the mind.

  • Classical: wind dizziness, headache, head spin, tinnitus, vomiting, crooked mouth. bluish blindness (optic atrophy) internal visual obstruction, nothing to see. Stuffy nose, swollen neck, galls, boils, walking wildly, epilepsy, stiffness, delusional views, trance and unhappiness.
  • Modern: myopia.


  • Walking wildly, getting sick, and feeling unhappy: Luoque (BL8), Tinghui (GB2), Shenzhu (GV12).

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